Monday, March 9, 2015

Memasang Filter AC Suzuki Karimun Estilo
Filter AC atau biasa disebut juga sebagai filter kabin berfungsi untuk menyaring udara yang didinginkan dan dihembuskan dari lubang ventilasi AC, sayangnya Pemirsah tidak akan menemui Filter AC pada Suzuki Karimun Estilo maupun adiknya Karimun Wagon R karena dari pabrik memang belum dilengkapi, padahal fungsinya cukup vital bagi kebersihan sirkulasi udara di kabin mobil imut kita ini.
Setiap mobil ber-AC menggunakan blower yang biasanya berada di bagian bawah dashboard sebelah kiri(bagian penumpang depan), hampir semua blower AC mobil terletak di bagian ini. Blower ini berfungsi menghisap udara dari bawah dashboard penumpang depan untuk didinginkan dengan cara melewatkan udara tersebeut melalui evaporator. Evaporator ini sebagai ujung tombak pendingin udara di kabin, namun jika udara yang dihisap untuk didinginkan melalui evaporator ini mengandung debu atau partikel kecil lainnya maka tentu lama-kelamaan evaporator ini akan tertutup kotoran yang menumpuk sehingga AC menjadi tidak dingin lagi atau yang paling parah udara tidak dapat melewati saluran pendingin ini karena evaporator tersumbat oleh kotoran yang lambat laun menumpuk. Karena itulah filter AC atau filter kabin pada Suzuki Karimun Estilo sangat dibutuhkan, sehingga sistem AC bisa tahan lama karena udara yang disalurkan lebih bersih dan Pemirsah yang berada di dalam mobil tentu lebih sehat dengan udara yang lebih bersih.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dangerous Creatures of Teh Sea


Diving Medicine is a growing medical speciality that focuses on the study, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses related to changes in pressure and the undersea environment. This area is rapidly expanding its knowledge base as the popularity of diving and undersea exploration continues to explode. A primary focus of diving medicine is to assess individual "Diving Fitness". As more and more people take to the water, there is an increased need to safely prepare or assess ability to dive among patients with various disease states. Particularly, dive physicians must understand how various ENT, Eye, Heart, Pulmonary, Gastrointestinal, Bone and Joint, Hematologic, Endocrine and Metabolic disease states affect the ability to dive. In addition, dive physicians can offer recommendations for people about flying and altitude, physchology and drugs, dental work, women specific concerns, hazardous marine life, long term effects of diving and specific treatment modalities if an accident occurs.
The primary accidents occuring in diving typically deal with effect pressure has on the various gases in your body. Most dive physicians treat patients for problems with equalizing pressure in their ears, sinus difficulties and of course barotrauma due to rapid ascension - "the bends". While these areas of dive medicine are perhaps most critical to understand in terms of patient care and treatment. I have chosen to speak on the more exotic, but rare, injuries from interactions with marine life. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Transparent-Headed Fish

With a head like a fighter-plane cockpit, a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its highly sensitive, barrel-like eyes--topped by green, orblike lenses--in a picture released today but taken in 2004.
The fish, discovered alive in the deep water off California's central coast by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), is the first specimen of its kind to be found with its soft transparent dome intact.
The 6-inch (15-centimeter) barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) had been known since 1939--but only from mangled specimens dragged to the surface by nets

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fire Tornado

A fire whirl comes perilously close to homes during the Corona Fire on November 15, 2008, in Yorba Linda, California.

Fire tornadoes can set objects in their paths ablaze, and they can hurl burning debris out into their surroundings.
The winds generated by a fire tornado can also be dangerous. Large fire tornadoes can create wind speeds of more than a hundred miles (160 kilometers) an hour—strong enough to knock down trees.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Colour of Clouds

When I was knee high to a grass hopper I loved to watch clouds. Maybe all children love to play the game of spotting animals in the shapes of the clouds. Bright white clouds on a clear blue sky look wonderful, and even as an adult it is easy to get lost in them.

White Clouds

But why are clouds white? The simple answer is that they reflect very well the light that falls on them. Clouds are illuminated by light from the sun, and light from the sun is seen as white by our eyes, a mix of all the colours of the rainbow - which produces white. Clouds are made up of many small water drops and ice crystals. Light can reflect and scatter so many ways from and in a cloud that when illuminated directly it ends up looking an fairly even and bright white.

White clouds.


A rainbow is caused by sunshine illuminating water drops usually in the form of rain, but it could be spray from a water fall or fountain. But a rainbow is not all over the place, it is always to be seen in a specific location in the sky with respect to the sun. A rainbow is always a 42 degree arc around the anti solar point. The anti solar point is the exact opposite spot from the sun, and is easily found as the shadow of your head. This is actually a cone 42 degrees around the anti solar point with the apex at your head. To see a rainbow there needs to be water drops some where in this thin cone which are illuminated by sun light. 

A primary and weaker secondary rainbow. Notice the supernumerary bows inside the primary

Friday, February 25, 2011

Evolutionary Snake With Foot Discovered

A snake with a single clawed foot has been discovered in China, according to reports.

Dean Qiongxiu, 66, said she discovered the reptile clinging to the wall of her bedroom with its talons in the middle of the night.